Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Oral Law Assignment: Leah

I chose Leviticus Chapter 19, Verse 15 "You shall not render an unfair decision: do not favor the poor or show deference to the rich; judge your kinsman fairly." because I think that this verse can somehow relate to everyone when we judge someone before we truly know who they are.  I interpret "You shall not render an unfair decision" by people making unfair decisions about others when they choose not to talk to them simply based on appearance or anything else.  This can also be defined as prejudice.  We are all guilty of prejudice but it is human nature to judge someone before actually knowing them.  Everyone should try to keep the feelings of others in mind to strive to make the world a more welcoming place by starting over and not letting the human nature of prejudice affect the decisions we make about people.

I chose a picture of the sunrise that I took on top of Masada because to me, it represents starting a new day with pureness and no judgments of anything.  I believe that with a fresh mindset, we can take away "unfair decisions" or judgments that we already have on others and make the world a more sincere place.


  1. I for one know that u am at fault for judging people before i really get to know them. It is something that i really want to change because I am so insecure myself, and when I know someone is talking about me or thinks something that isnt true, I have the worst feeling about myself. I love the picture that you chose and i think the way you worded it, "starting a new day with pureness and no judgement" really represents the verse from chapter 19 of Leviticus that you chose.

  2. Your post reminds me of a poem we chant before the Or Chadash in my shul, which goes
    "Every day, creation is renewed
    Wake up and see unfolding
    In the spreading light of dawn
    The world and all it contains
    Coming into being, new, fresh
    Filled with divine goodness and love
    Every day, creation is renewed
    Reflected in the great lights
    We see a new day
    One precious day

    It's always been a very special tune for me (especially because of the low melody that goes with it), but it is always a good reminder of the constant renewal that we experience day to day, and our own ability to change.
